Thursday, September 6, 2012


Rudolf Rassendyll is a younger brother of Lord Burlesdon. He is of twenty nine years old. He lived with his brother and his wife named by Rose Rassendyll. She rebukes Rudolf for not setting down in life and doing nothing. The young man laughs at his sister-in-law’s concern for him. He tells her not to worry because he has got a rich elder brother, who supports him and provides him everything. This annoys Lady Rose and she tells him that she has found a job for him as an attach to the British ambassador to the royal court of Ruritania, a small country in central Europoe. Rudolf tells her that he wouldnot go Ruritania as that post is not fit for him. This reply makes angry Lady Rose. She remarks that he is a lazy one.
Rudolf Rassendyll had a secret blood relationship with the king of Ruritania whose name was Rudolf Elphberg. Actually it was a result of an unhappy romance of a lady named Countess Amelia with the previous king of Ruritania, who had come to England a political refuge. During his stay in England he had illicit relations with Countess Amelia, who conceived a child from him.
It so happended that the king of Ruritania returned to his kingdom and claimed his throne. He stayed there and could not return to England. Countess Amelia’s husband died before she gave brith to illegitimate child. This illicit child was no other but Rudolf Rassendyll. But that king of Ruritania had a male child from her wife who was resembling to Rudolf Ressendyll. The king named the legitimate son as Rudolf Elphberg. Therefore the father of both was same, the former king of Ruritania. They had long noses and bright red hair.
After some time Rasendyll decided to go to Ruritania to attend the coronation of new king. Rassendyll started travelling to Ruritania through Paris by train. A rich and charming widow Madam de Mauban was also travelling in the same train.
 Rassendyll stayed at a hotel in a town of Zenda which was fifty miles far from Strelsau, the capital of Ruritania. Prince Rudolf was also staying at a shooting lodge in the forest near Zenda. This lodge was on Black Michael’s estate, who was the Duke of Strelsau and half brother of the prince. He owned a strong castle at Zenda. He wanted to become the King of Ruritania, but he had no chances due to Rudolf. So he decided to kill the prince Rassendyll went to the forest for a walk. As he was tired so he slept on the grass. He woke and found three men standing. The men were surprised to see the resemblance of Ressendyll to the prince. The prince joked him and invited Rassendyll to dinner at the shooting lodge.
At the dinner prince drank a bottle of wine which was sent by Michael, as a gift. As the prince drank all the wine so he became unconscious. In morning Col. Sapt and Fritz told Rassendyll about the evil ideas of Michael. The coronation was going to take place at Strelsau on the same day. Col. Sapt and Fritz were worried. They asked Rassendyll to impersonate the king. Rassendyll shaved and dressed himself in the prince clothes. He looked like prince. He left for Strelsau by train with Col. Sapt and Fritz, a servant Joseph was left behind to look after the princes.
Rassendyll was received by the people of Strelsau. No one doubted. He went to the church in procession. Rassendyll take oath as the king Michael was shocked to this. Princess Flavia took him as king and told him that hi had changed much. The people of Ruritania wanted the king to be married withprincess Flavia. When the coronation was over a party was arranged. When the party ended Rassendyll changed his appearance and went to Zenda with Sapt. Rassendyll and Sapt reached the shooting lodge in the forest. But they found that the king was taken away by Michael’s men. Joseph was found murdered. Rassendyll and Sapt came back to Strelsau.
The king was imprisoned in the castle of Zenda. The castle was guarded.
In the Strelsau Rassendyll received a letter from Madam de Mauban. She has invited Rassendyll to see her all alone in the summer house. Rassendyll and sapt went to the summer house. Sapt stayed out and Rassendyll went inside. Madam de Maudan told Rassendyll that Michael had asked her. She told him that Michael’s three men were asked to kill him. Madam Mauban did not like the idea of her lover’s marrying the princess. So she told all secrets of Michael to Rassendyll. Then Micha3el’s three men cam end offered Rassendyll a huge bribe to leave Ruritania. Rassendyll pretended that he agreed with them. When they opened the door, he ran out, hold an iron table before him.
Michael sent one of his associates, Rupert of Hentzan to the Tarlenhein estate five miles away from Zenda. Rassendyll was staying there, Rupert offered a large amount of to Rassendyll if only he left Ruritania. Rassendyll did not accept this offer. Rupert attacked him with a dagger and wounded his hand. Rupert, then, ran a way.
Michael’s servant named, Johan was brought to Rassendyll. Johann told Rassendyll that the king was made prisoner of Zenda in a small room. The room was guarded but the room could be reached by an inner pipe which through the water of the moat. The guard men were asked to kill the king if an attack was made to rescue him.
Rassendyll was still at Tarlenheim. He heard that the King’s health had become very bad. Rassendyll went to the castle with Sapt, Fritz and others, to see the situation. Rassendyll and his men fought with Rupert and other guardmen. In the mean time, Rassendyll heard that an English police officer had arrived in Strelsau to inquire about Rassendyll. This news worred Rassendyll and he decided to take immediate action to save the life of the young king.
Rassendyll learnt that both Michael and Rupert liked Madam de Mauban. So they became each other’s enemies. Rassendyll received a note from Mauban in which she asked for help to save here from Michael and his men at the castle. Rassendyll made a plan to attack the castle.
Rassendyll went to the castle at about 1:00a.m. and swam across the moat. He reached the room. Col. Sapt and Fritz also reached there. Madam de Maudan shouted in her room as Rupert entered in her room without her permission. He tried to love her forcibly. Michael heard her cries and hastened to rescuer her. Michael and his men ran to the room. Rupert faught with them. In this fight Michael was killed. Rassendyll attacked the friends of Michael too. Consequently he was injured on the hand. Rupert tried to run away but Rassendyll followed him and could not kill. The king was also wounded but he was saved.
Flavia went to the castle to see the health of the wounded king. On her way to Zenda she met Rassendyll, who told her the fact that he was not a king but Flavia could not believe her eyes and ears.
In the end Rassendyll met the king. He told him his last walk with Flavia. Thought they loved each other but they could not marry as Flavia had her duty towards the king of Ruritania and to the people of Ruritania as well as to her own family to perform. As Rassendyll had already saved the life of King of Ruritania so he wished to leave England at once.


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